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Amina, International Student in the School of Chemistry

release date :2015-05-05 01:35:00  |   [ close window ]阅读次数: 次

Amina (Baihe) talked her life in BIT as a freshman in the School of Chemistry. Baihe passed the scholarship application of the School of Chemistry and arrived at BIT in September, 2014. From her perspective, BIT was a very famous university. She thought that to get a doctor’s degree in BIT would be of great help for her future career. In BIT this positive and talkative girl had made many international friends from all over the world. She often communicated with them and learned different cultures and interesting things around the world. Thus, she was happy to be offered such an international platform by BIT.
Photo was taken in Zhong Guan Cun Campus by News Agency of BIT
摄于关村校区 摄影:段霁芸 作者:外语新闻社 赵琳 编译:党委宣传部 赵洁 
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