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¡¾Video¡¿ International students of BIT showed spectacular flash performances

release date £º2015-07-02 02:35:00  |   [ close window ]ViewCount£º ´Î
Translator: News Center of BIT Zhao Jie
Editor: News Center of BIT  Zhao Jie
    To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the foundation of Beijing Institute of technology, International Centre of BIT organized some international students to make a spectacular "flash performance at college canteens.

    On June 25th, 11:50am,  a group of international students showed up at college canteens, singing and dancing with the joyful African music. Seeing the arrival of the international students, teachers and students put down bowls and chopsticks in their hands and used their phones to record the foreigners’ wonderful performance. Over 20 international students sang a popular song on the line entitled sorry, I’m not very good at Chinese and two well-known songs Jamine and Tian Mimi in Chinese. Finally, Zhao Shengli from Zimbabwe ended the flash performance with the singing of the song I l love you, China.

    At noon on June 26th, these lovely international students made a flash performance at the staff canteen again. Impressed by the foreign students’ performance and their feelings for BIT, some teachers clapped hands to cheer and even some teachers joined lustily in the chorus. When the international students sang I love you, China, some grey-haired teachers had tears in their eyes. After the performance, all international students shouted words from their heart together to thank teachers in BIT and all teachers stood up and applauded warmly.