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Best Articles of ¡°China and I¡± by Foreign Students of BIT Published in People¡¯s Daily Overseas Edition

release date £º2017-10-11 03:18:00  |   [ close window ]ViewCount£º ´Î

Translator: News Agency of BIT Zhao Shengtao

Editor: News Center of BIT Zhao Jie


¡¡¡¡The activity of soliciting articles entitled ¡°China and I¡± was hosted by the department of International cooperation and Exchange in Ministry of Education and organized by the Foreign Students Service Center of Ministry of Education. This very successfully held activity began in June and ended in July 2017. It set up two first awards£¬four second awards, six third awards and thirty-four great awards. It has drawn great interest and popularity among the foreign students. Many of the foreign students in BIT have actively taken part in this writing activity and done well. One of the writers won the first award, one won the third award and three got great awards. BIT ranked well compared with other universities. The awarded articles will be published in sessions in People¡¯s Daily Overseas Edition and Xinhuanet. Together these articles will compose a book, A Beautiful Meeting with China -----Stories told by the Foreign Students 


¡¡¡¡The five awarded students talked about their luck with China and with BIT through their own experience. Reading their articles, you can feel their joy and excitement when they first came to China, and their confusing moments when they ordered their first dish. Also, you will follow their heart on the journey to trace back the root of ancient Chinese culture, and you will be indeed surprised by the splendid history and rapid-increasing development of science and technology. One of the stories is that an African girl who is always keen on Chinese Kong-fu and has traversed the mountains and crossed the rivers to China to achieve her ¡°Kong-fu dream¡±. The first award winner, Mi Lege, transformed himself to modern Don Quijote, and fought for a chance of studying here in China, came all the way alone for the ancient oriental culture.


¡¡¡¡List of Awarded Students

¡¡¡¡The First Award: Mi Lege, Spanish, PhD candidate in School of Aerospace Engineering in BIT.

¡¡¡¡The Second Award: Wan Lu, Nigerian, post graduate in School of Life Science in BIT.

¡¡¡¡Excellence Award: Ma Weini, Polish, advanced studies in Chinese language in Bit.

¡¡¡¡Excellence Award: Zheng Cuijie, Malaysian, in School of Mechatronical Engineering.

¡¡¡¡Excellence Award: Lin Xinxi, Indonesian, advanced studies in Chinese language in Bit.