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Chinese and Russian scholars to make anti-cancer drugs and quantum computers

release date £º2015-11-24 02:40:39  |   [ close window ]ViewCount£º ´Î
Translator: News Agency of BIT  Zhou Xinyue
Editor: News Center of BIT  Zhao Lin

    Scholars from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) are going to research into the simulation of protein structure with supercomputers. Their findings will lay the foundation for making anti-cancer drugs, drugs resisting complicated viruses and basic materials of the components of quantum computers.

    Alexander Molochkov, project director of Russia and PhD in Material Physics, introduced to Sputnik: “We intend to simulate tertiary structure and quaternary structure of proteins together with our colleagues of BIT.”

    "The primary biological functions of protein depend on its three-dimensional structure. To illustrate, proteins have antiviral activity, because they have specialized slipknots, such as myoglobin. This is a type of aerobic protein which exists in skeletal muscles and myocardia and gains oxygen with its bulges. Protein is a quite complicated molecule, so the tradition methods do little to simulate the tertiary structure and quaternary structure of proteins. But our methods not only help to simulate, but also combine physical and biological characteristics together.” said Molochkov.

    "The research on the biological characters of proteins will be the basis of further study of researching contemporary anti-cancer and anti-major virus drugs. The findings on anatomical characteristics will also help to study simpler simulation and synthesis of molecular structures. What’s more, scholars of China and Russia will observe the anatomical changes in proteins on the effect of external electric field. If we learn to forecast how different molecules perform under external rays and magnetic field, we could utilize these molecules to make materials which have predetermined characteristics, such as quantum computers.”

    Supported by Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the research project between China and Russia will last two or three years. FEFU won the sponsorship in a bidding and which aimed at priorities of scientific developments. The bidding had attracted BRICS-UNESCO GROUPs organizations and many universities Russian sides will appropriate 250 thousand dollars to the projects, and BIT will appropriate equal funds.