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¡¾Contributions Invited¡¿Share Your China Stories

release date £º2015-01-21 02:23:00  |   [ close window ]ViewCount£º ´Î

Dear foreign students,

    Thank you for your attention and contribution to the ongoing project My China Story. We receive interesting stories,opinions and photos.

     Here are some points that we hope will help contributors:

    * A story should be personal which is your story related to China.

    * A story is better if it has a theme.

    * We reserve the right to edit submitted material.

    * Opinions are also welcome but better if it is rationally developed, with your involvement in the setting. A debatable is even better.

    * You don't need to say only nice things about China to get published. Any experiences, good or bad, misunderstandings or cultural shocks are also welcome, such as this one, A Minority in the Midst of Millions.

    * Please carefully check your words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs, and make it the best you can write.

    * Once your work is received, we will pay you money.

    * You are welcome to offer suggestions on how to make this project better.

      The way of contribution:

    Please send the work by e-mail whose title is composed by the name of the author and the manuscript.

    Contact Person: News Center of BIT Kitty Zhao
    Contact Number: 68912264

   News Center of BIT
Jan. 20th ,2015